Leaving the Rio Deva ll we walked through Unquera, over the river bridge and through Bustio. Then the Camino follows a paved path uphill, which was very easy to walk on, passing a chapel on the hill. There was a cold wind and the weather was cloudy but later, having gone downhill again, although still cloudy it was warmer and humid. One of those days when fleeces were on and off.
The camino through the woods and near the lovely old bridge which Terry photographed in 2009 has been spoiled by the roadworks. Construction vehicles working, the track dug out and the Camino diverted to the right (which added several kms to the days walk). We came back out onto the road about 2kms from where we had left it near La Franca. The track came out at right angles to the road right and opposite were the twin bufones of Santiuste which we managed to photograph and also catch on a video clip. Had we been walking along the N634 at that point we would probably not have noticed them.
The Camino then follows the N634 again until just before Pendueles turning down a side road to the right. We had phoned ahead to the Bar El Castiellu and arrived to a warm welcome. We had showers while lunch was prepared for us and our washing taken to be put in the machine. Wonderful - no need ofr hand-washing today.
There were a few other pilgrims around and after coca colas in the bar, and shopping in the village shop next to the bar, we walked down to see the new albergue at the bottom of the hill. Having walked back uphill we followed a green lane around the other side of the village and also looked sadly at the skeletal remains of a Casa Indianos. We had supper (tortilla) in the bar, and our clean dry washing was ready to be packed before bedtime.

The very comfortable 'Hostal Rio Deva ll' is between the Lupa and the Corbateria
Path through Unquera
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