Saturday, 21 November 2015

Hills walks around Ledbury

The walk from the town led through the woods above the church. At the top of the track there was a ruined stable dating from the days of stage coaches, which would have been used for the trace horses needed to make the climb up the hill.

Another good walk was on the Malverns, where the track climbed to give views back to the ancient hill-fort as well as across into Wales.

Friday, 20 November 2015


Having spent a week near Ledbury we walked into town and also some of the local footpaths on the hills.

Ledbury itself is an interesting place with many lovely old buildings, including the Market Hall and the old houses on the cobbled street leading to the church.

The Market Hall (top-left).
Cobbled street (top-right and left)
The building on the right was the last of the buildings in the old 'shambles' and was moved to its current location, on the cobbled street, to preserve it.