Thursday, 25 April 2013

Exeter to Buckfast Abbey

We have finally walked part of the way from Exeter to Plymouth, walks originally planned for last autumn. Walking Haldon Hill was lovely on a spring day with the primroses coming out and there were primroses well out on the old A38 between Ashburton and Buckfast Abbey. The trees are still not very far out, but they are about the same as when Terry walked 4 years ago to the day. After the abbey we walked on and had lunch at the station cafe. Steam trains run on the preservation line from Buckfastleigh to Totnes and there was even a train in the station.

At the end of last week we made the decision to leave the sleeping bags at home as we are going later this year than previously and Terry was finding the pack a little too heavy for comfort. As a result we have also decided to use the equivalent of B&Bs all the time instead of having some nights in albergues. The longjohns and fleeces are staying in, 'just in case'. It can still be cold at night even in summer, especially in the mountains. So the packing list below is now minus sleeping bags, but everything else is going (at the moment)

The bridge over this stream on Haldon has an unusual parapet for Devon

The lane went up a shady track before returning to another Devon lane

The abbey from just inside the old gatehouse

Steam engine at the Heritage Railway Centre, Buckfastleigh

Monday, 15 April 2013

Spring is coming

The weather has finally warmed up and we walked with only one fleece, no gloves and our hats instead of 'beanies'. Our route was the same as in the previous post. It was much wetter this time after more rain recently. Very reminiscent of parts of the Camino in 2010. However we are more in practise and found the hills much easier again.

One advantage of mud is that it shows animal tracks clearly. Two deer had passed along the track not long before us. Thanks to the warmer weather the primroses are out and also wood anenomes. The wild garlic smells when trodden on but is not yet flowering.

Deer tracks in the mud

Primroses on the bank side