Tuesday 1 October 2024

Sussex and Kent

Recent walking has included time in Arundel and also near Hastings and Ashford. Still not able to actually upload photos!

Thursday 8 August 2024

A hill top walk

A cool but dry day so a walk uphill, looking back to the town and with Dartmoor in the distance. No photo as Google now seems to block the upload!

Saturday 15 June 2024

Stover Country Park

Walking around the lake at Stover, during May, there were several families of coots. The lake is being restored with encroaching plants removed and the lake being dredged. The silt wil be dried and then used around the estate in the replanting programme.

Sunday 21 April 2024

April walk

Visiting Teignmouth again recently we walked around town and then along the sea wall. The view this time looks back towards the pier and the Ness headland. Taken from near to the same view point as the previous post.

Monday 26 February 2024

Winter walking

Lovely and sunny but very cold. . Pictures of the sea wall and of catkins earlier in February.

Thursday 12 October 2023


We recently spent a week near Chesterfield again, this time walking round Baslow. The bridge over the river has pedestrian refuges either side, the point of one can be seen in the picture.
On one face, instead of numbers, the church clock has Victoria 1897, the year of her Diamond Jubilee.

Sunday 30 July 2023

Chesterfield Canal

A recent holiday took us to a village near Chesterfield. The canal was neaby and we walked the towpath for a short distance.

Tuesday 6 June 2023


A visit to Dunster was very interesting. The yarn market on the high street, dovecote (behind the church) as well as the tithe barn and the church memorial garden are all worth the visit. Parking is good and payment options still include cash - a plus for many.

Monday 10 April 2023

A passageway in South Molton

Walking around South Molton we found this passageway - similar to ones we have seen in Spain. The market Hall is on the left and the passage comes out onto the high street. The Pannier Market (Thursdays) is well worth a visit.

Monday 6 February 2023

N Devon

In early November we spent a few days in North Devon near South Molton. Here are a few photos from our visit. Old houses in the village, with the 'break away' fire break between the old mill and its house; the bread ovens - internally built at the side of the fireplace seen as a bulge at the outside; a view from the hilltop and the river.

Friday 2 September 2022


The red kite around Oxford are a sight worth seeing. Re-introduced with chicks from Spain some years ago they have flourished. This year a reciprocal arrangement was made as the Spanish numbers were critically down.
The kite here are flying over the houses in one of the villages and seen against the building rain clouds.

Sunday 17 July 2022

Summer walks

The current hot weather is limiting our walking to early morning locally. There have been few butterflies this year - until yesterday on the hilltop we found many on the brambles. While walking up the hill we saw a few Holly Blue butterflies and at the top were Hedge Brown.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Spring flowers

As we walked recently there were primroses and violets, just about at the end of their season. The bluebells were starting to flower and the cherry blossom was coming out too. Final photo is of a red kite flying.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

A walk in Devon

A winter walk in Devon took us to Stover Park. We went past the lake and along the frosty footpath.
Near here there is a memorial to the 250 men of the Canadian Forestry Corps who worked at Stover during WW1. They were foresters and sawyers and felled the trees on the estate to supply wood to the troops for railway sleepers, huts, trenches etc as well as fuel.
All the figures are carved from wood and are life size.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Friday 15 October 2021

South Molton, Devon

Our latest walking holiday took us to South Molton. Very hilly but enjoyable.

Monday 23 August 2021

The Trans-Pennine Trail

A recent holiday took us to Penistone and some time to walk on the Trans-Pennine Trail. This mostly follows the line of the old railway so is fairly level at this point. The trail itself runs from Hornsea to Southport on a mix of disused railways, canal paths and other walking routes. It is part of the cycling network and some parts are bridleways too. At Penistone the remains of the old turntable housing can be seen just off the path.

Tuesday 13 April 2021


During recent walks we watched the thatchers at work. The special thatching straw is extra long and the end finisher was being woven into a peak. The following week we walked back to see the nearly completed ridge and then later again to see the finishd work.

Monday 12 April 2021

Easter 2021

The Good Friday walk through town had to be cancelled again due to Covid restrictions. However this year the cross was placed at the top of the hill and a prayer vigil organised during the day, with strict control of numbers and distancing. We joined one small group (3 of us) for an hour at mid-day.

View fom the hilltop

Thursday 14 January 2021

Walking on Dartmoor

With no likelihood of ever returning to Spain and the Camino we have been walking on Dartmoor, Devon, England. Some photos from our walk in late October - pre the second lockdown.

Monday 12 October 2020

San Martiño de Mondoñedo

The Basilica de San Martiño de Mondoñedo is on the Ruta do Mar which we walked in 2015. In 2018 we visited by car from Mondoñedo itself.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Photos from Spain

Back in 2018 we promised to upload photos of our time in Spain and we never got round to it. Now would seem a good time to revive memories of the trip so (hopefully) we will be posting here over the next few weeks with photos from that trip.

Celorio; Asturias, N Spain

Monday 29 June 2020

Local walks

For the past 3 months we have been walking locally for daily exercise. Photos are few but back in April these trees were lovely.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

No walking planned now for this year

Sadly all our plans for 2020, like those of many others, are cancelled as we stay at home due to the Covid-19 lockdown. We wait to see what will happen later in the year but will nor be looking to going to Spain for the foreseeable future, which is very sad.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Spain 2020

We are planning to visit Spain again this year, walking around various places in Asturias and the Picos de Europa. Training for walking is affected by the ongoing bad weather but there is plenty of time before we go. We would be walking out from chosen destinations rather than walking a pilgrimage route this time so are not needing to be so well prepared as in previous years. As ever - watch this space.......

Saturday 14 December 2019

Goodrich Castle

One place we visited, on a trip out from Ledbury, was Goodrich Castle (English Heritage site). It is very impressive and well worth the walk from the parking area.
Views from outside the walls and of the keep and a range of buildings inside.